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current today yesterday this month this year
 temperature  42.8°F
Maximum52.7°F (15:25)35.7°F (13:57)69.4°F 69.4°F 
Minimum23.7°F (01:58)21.5°F (20:33)21.7°F -3.0°F 
 windchill  42.0°F 
Minimum23.0°F (04:33)21.0°F (20:34)21.0°F -14.0°F 
 heatindex  42.0°F  
Maximum51.0°F (14:35)35.0°F (13:10)64.0°F 64.0°F 
current today yesterday this month this year
rain / Melt 0.00 in  0.03 in  1.61 in  5.55 in 
evapotranspiration0.00 in  0.00 in 0.00 in 0.00 in 
 humidity  57%  
Maximum87% (07:54)91% (19:22)  
Minimum35% (13:29)68% (13:31)  
 dew point  28.0°F  
Maximum31.0°F (20:07)27.0°F (00:00)47.0°F 48.0°F 
Minimum18.0°F (01:19)19.0°F (20:33)18.0°F -9.0°F 
current today yesterday this month this year
 pressure  30.21 inHg  steady
Maximum30.36 inHg (08:39)30.31 inHg (10:01)30.38 inHg 30.49 inHg 
Minimum30.21 inHg (23:38)30.11 inHg (23:04)29.46 inHg 29.20 inHg 
 wind  1.0 mph   wind from south  calm
gust11.0 mph (11:52)8.0 mph (22:35)25.0 mph 28.0 mph 

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