temperature: 14.8°F |
wind: nw 1 Bft light air 2.0 mph |
rain: today 0.00 in |
humidity: 86% |
pressure: rising slowly 30.53 inHg |
temperature [ ° ]
humidity [ % ]
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rain [ ]
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baro trend
[] Weather, Lightning, WebCam, [] Weather, Lightning, [] Weather, WebCam, [] Weather
Note: Click on the table column title to change the order of that column's values.
Country | Station | Current Condition | Temp. | Dew Point | Humid | Wind | Gust | Rain | Pressure | Trend |
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The stations are displaying the weather conditions: Temperature, dew point, humidity,
wind direction and speed/gust speed, today's rain, barometric pressure and trend, current conditions
and the name of the city where the weather station is located.